This is what the LORD says— he who made a way through the sea, a path through the mighty waters, “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.
I remember twenty years ago, in the months and days leading up to the turn of the century, how anxious the human race was about Y2K. The anticipation of what might occur with computers and our very existence was almost more than we could bear. People emptied the shelves at grocery stores to stock up on food should the unthinkable happen.
It makes me giggle at the drama.
At the same time, I take a look back at this last year and shake my head at the similar feelings of my heart. I experienced fear and anxiety at levels I hadn’t previously known, and at times, the unknown weighed me down so heavily, I didn’t know if I was going to make it through.
I’m extremely grateful this morning, this last day of 2019, that in every situation, every circumstance, every question, worry, and trial, there was a but. I’m surrounded by people who love me enough to refrain from going down the road of what if with me; who lovingly call me out when my fear is bigger than my faith; who stand by me; encourage me; and most of all bombard Heaven in my behalf. They just keep showing up and mere words fail to express how deeply grateful I am.
God showed up and answered my questions, my frustrations, and my lack of faith every day this year. More than anything or anyone else, He was consistent. He remained in me when I didn’t remain in Him. He pursued me when I didn’t pursue Him. He was for me when I wasn’t for Him. And because of His faithfulness, He replaced a long-time debilitating fear I had with a very simple answer. And when He did that, SO MANY other worries vanished. Vanished!
If I didn’t learn anything else this year, one thing I understand more clearly is that I don’t have to worry about His side of our relationship. He does His part regardless of whether I do mine.
As a fragile and an often unfaithful believer, I want to encourage you that He sees you. He knows you. He is for you and not against you.
He loves you.
He’s always loved you.
He will always love you.
He has never not loved you.
May we all have 2020 vision this next year and see Him doing a new thing!